Tailored AM-Clad installation training in your locality

AM-Clad has developed its own unique 2-Day training courses which cover all aspects of surface preparation and installation best practice.

We have hosted AM-Clad Training Academies in the following locations:
Florida, USA; Bangalore, India; British Columbia, Canada; Pennsylvania, USA; Limerick, Ireland; Manchester, Somerset and Leeds in the UK.

We offer both Intermediate and Advanced Level courses which provide a hands-on, step-by-step training in the correct methods of installing our premium PVC wall and ceiling systems.

The AM-Clad team will work with you to find a suitable venue in your area where we can professionally deliver Hygienic Cladding Installation courses for up to 8 trainees.

Florida, USA Training Course

Limerick, Ireland Training Course


Intermediate Level

This AM-Clad Training Academy course covers:

White AM-Clad Shield

Measuring and setting up

White AM-Clad Shield

Setting out materials and equipment on site

White AM-Clad Shield

Mixing and applying AM-Clad bonding/adhesives

White AM-Clad Shield

Jointing – fitting AM-Clad PVC trim systems to walls and ceilings

White AM-Clad Shield

Jointing – creating floor joints with premium safety flooring or existing floors

White AM-Clad Shield

Cladding corners, recesses, reveals, around bulkheads, doors and windows etc.

White AM-Clad Shield

Cutting out penetrations for pipes, cables and wiring

White AM-Clad Shield

Thermoforming corners

White AM-Clad Shield

Finishing and applying sealant

Advanced Level

This AM-Clad Training Academy course includes a refresher of all Intermediate skills, plus a focus on Welded Joints:

Blue AM-Clad Shield

Measuring and setting up to weld

Blue AM-Clad Shield

Applying the weld

Blue AM-Clad Shield

Blading the weld

Blue AM-Clad Shield


Know How

Our 2-day training courses are held in specially selected venues which reflect the scale and complexity of PVC cladding installations.

The courses cover all aspects including the basics. For example, the efficient layout of materials, tools and equipment, where to start, measuring, preparing the substrate surface, mixing and applying the adhesive and positioning the first sheet on the wall.

Our simple range of PVC trims are relatively easy to use when you are familiar with the different types. Joints are extremely important when installing AM-Clad systems because long-term hygienic performance is entirely dependent on all joints being fitted correctly.

Leaving 3-4mm expansion gaps at all PVC joints allows the sheets to expand in hot conditions. Full guidance on storage, installation and operating temperatures can be found in AM-Clad and AM-Guard Installation Guides.

Let’s Talk

To discuss scheduling an AM-Clad Training Academy course at a location near you, please call +44 1274 020 331 Whatsapp +44 789 187 9050 or email [email protected].